

Fungal infections

Superficial fungal infections may affect the body, feet, groin and are common due to the humidity in Singapore.

What do fungal infections look like?

The most common superficial fungal infection is also known as “athlete’s foot” or Tinea pedis. It appears as scaling/peeling skin at the soles or toewebs which may itch. Rarely small blisters may appear.

Superficial fungal infections of the body and groin are also known as “ringworm” or Tinea corporis/Tinea cruris . It appears as round, ring-like, scaly red patches. Less commonly, it affect the scalps in children, causing hair loss and hair breakage.

Another common type of superficial fungal infection is also known as “white spot” or Tinea versicolor. It appears as thin white/brown or pink scaly patches on the chest, shoulders, face or upper back. This condition is usually aggravated by humidity and sweating.

What are the treatment options for fungal infections?

Superficial fungal infections can be treated with topical medications if the surface area is small. This may require up to 4 weeks of application.

More extensive or more stubborn infections may require a course of oral antifungal medications.
